9Th Floor is a project designed to re-shape the original songs improvising on somebody else's music, shapimg a new form, giving a new life with brand new themes, using as main motors all the brass of mine, processing one by one through electronic sound effects, like wha-wha; chorus; flanger and so on.
This is one of the way I like to play my horns, sculpturing a sort of shadow;a new sounds mixed up with the original sound of the wood-reeds.

I conceived this project long before than 2010 - when I first started to record this album - I used to perform live Ambient, Lounge, Acid, and New Age music since 2003 playing in small clubs, improvising with my saxophones and the flute on this stuff. So why don’t consider to make my own collection, recording a series of tracks coming out from this experience? So here the project has reached the final structure shaped in this album.

In my opinion music is a form of perfect language a sort of sharing element; it is a constant renewing process, an endless re-building language, having always a brand new story to tell. If something makes my soul oscillating at the right frequency, than the relation I start with the song will soon or later take me on a new way to express "my opinion" or add my musical comment about, just playing my instruments on a given song; that's the only way I have to say something about somebody else’s music.
In this project I choose twelve tracks, which I love particularly, but making my own themes and improvisation or adding an electric guitar, giving my contribution to this music and to the composers who made these interesting tracks, in other words I like to play on their original arrangements expressing a different view; my view.

Thanks to their music this project was possible.

Gino D'Ignazio Gizio - Tenor/Alto/Soprano Saxophones - Flute - Electric Guitar.
Recorder between April and September 2010 at the WoodHouse Studio - Palinuro ITALY